
I believe in beauty. I believe it is everywhere. I believe it is powerful, healing and available to us at any moment, if we pause to discover it or create it.

Since my son went blind, I realized beauty isn’t just pretty. He experiences beauty constantly, and he helped me realize that beauty exists in dimensions far beyond vision. There is an immersive, experiential quality of beauty that I hope to capture here.

May you discover some beautiful inspiration (and a smile)! XO, L

Designin' in the Rain

Designin' in the Rain

There's something luxurious about rainy days, don't you think? It's a dreary, wet day here in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have a long to-do list and zero motivation to tackle it. That said, this grey Sunday feels like a gift. A reminder that sometimes it's ok to be lazy and unproductive. A reminder that sometimes it's a good idea to push aside work and responsibilities and just jump in puddles, dance in pajamas and sing in the rain. It really is a glorious feeling! Hope you enjoy these images of cozy spots to curl up, rain or shine. XO, L

Reese Witherspoon's Ojai Home. Designer: Kristen Buckingham. Image: Elle Decor, July 2012.

Reese Witherspoon's Ojai Home. Designer: Kristen Buckingham. Image: Elle Decor, July 2012.

Image: London Undercover.

Image: London Undercover.

Reese Witherspoon's Ojai Home. Designer: Kristen Buckingham. Image: Elle Decor, July 2012.

Reese Witherspoon's Ojai Home. Designer: Kristen Buckingham. Image: Elle Decor, July 2012.

Celerie Kimble Mimi Morse Chaise. Image: Neiman Marcus.

Celerie Kimble Mimi Morse Chaise. Image: Neiman Marcus.

Lorenzo Castillo's Madrid Home. Image: Elle Decor, March 2012.

Lorenzo Castillo's Madrid Home. Image: Elle Decor, March 2012.

Image: Jurliska.

Image: Jurliska.

Location: Martha's Vineyard. Image: AD, May 2006.

Location: Martha's Vineyard. Image: AD, May 2006.

Designers: Gary and Susan Garrabrant. Image: AD, March 2014.

Designers: Gary and Susan Garrabrant. Image: AD, March 2014.

Image: Le Chameau Vierzonord Wellington Boots.

Image: Le Chameau Vierzonord Wellington Boots.

Cambridge Blue

Cambridge Blue

Best Dressed Home No. 01 - Mark D. Sikes

Best Dressed Home No. 01 - Mark D. Sikes