
I believe in beauty. I believe it is everywhere. I believe it is powerful, healing and available to us at any moment, if we pause to discover it or create it.

Since my son went blind, I realized beauty isn’t just pretty. He experiences beauty constantly, and he helped me realize that beauty exists in dimensions far beyond vision. There is an immersive, experiential quality of beauty that I hope to capture here.

May you discover some beautiful inspiration (and a smile)! XO, L

Dining in Style, Y'all

Dining in Style, Y'all

Josephine House | Austin, Texas.

Josephine House | Austin, Texas.

This summer, our family relocated to California from Austin. I'm often asked what I miss most about Texas. My answer is easy - the people. Amazing people and many of my dearest friends live in the heart of Texas. But there are a few Austinites that I never met and miss, specifically Larry McGuire and Thomas Moorman, Jr. This talented duo make dining in Austin a hyper preppy, visual feast. Of course, the food is fantastic, but it's the interiors that keep you coming back. Take a look at their genius here. XO, L

*I also miss the cleverly styled valet at Jeffrey's, an attraction in and of themselves. With pastel short shorts, sweatbands, Stan Smiths and iPhones hidden in vintage Hardy Boy books, these guys seem straight out of a Wes Anderson film. 

Josephine House | Austin, Texas. 

Josephine House | Austin, Texas. 

Napoleon Dining Room at Jeffrey's | Austin, Texas.

Napoleon Dining Room at Jeffrey's | Austin, Texas.

Jeffrey's valet.

Jeffrey's valet.

Clark's Oyster Bar | Austin, Texas.

Clark's Oyster Bar | Austin, Texas.

Clark's Oyster Bar | Austin, Texas.

Clark's Oyster Bar | Austin, Texas.

Jeffrey's | Austin, Texas.

Jeffrey's | Austin, Texas.

Josephine House | Austin, Texas.

Josephine House | Austin, Texas.

Josephine House | Austin, Texas.

Josephine House | Austin, Texas.

Spring into Fall

Spring into Fall

3 Lessons I Learned from Darryl Carter

3 Lessons I Learned from Darryl Carter